UAT is a very formal end-user testing procedure; it is your customer's formal approval of your project deliverables. UAT是一个极其正式的测试过程;它是客户对于您项目可交付性的正式批准。
Fellow Republican Lindsey Graham wants President Barack Obama to seek formal congressional approval of further punitive measures against Russia. 共和党员林赛格雷厄姆希望巴拉克奥巴马总统能让国会正式批准进一步针对俄罗斯的惩罚性措施。
As part of the process to gain formal approval, the company commissioned a big economic impact study. 作为获得正式批准过程的一部分,公司委托了一份重大经济影响研究。
Formal approval is expected in June at a World Heritage Committee meeting in Cambodia. 这项提议将在6月举行的柬埔寨世界遗产委员会会议上得到正式批准。
With the formal approval of Zhongshan customs, the simplified trans-customs mode will be implemented into the empty boxes shuttling between Zhongshan ports and Shekou Container Terminals as from june1st. 经中山海关批准,从2004年6月1日起,往来于中山港与蛇口集装箱码头之间的空箱将实行更为简化的“空箱转关”模式。
It will have to go to the houses of Parliament for formal approval. 这还必须送交议会两院正式批准。
In the case of an application for formal establishment of a Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school offering education for academic qualifications, the examination and approval authorities shall decide whether to grant the approval or not within six months from the date of receiving the application. 申请正式设立实施学历教育的中外合作办学机构的,审批机关应当自受理申请之日起6个月内作出是否批准的决定。
A formal offer will be made once Yum gets approval from regulators for the transaction, the company said. 百盛表示,一旦获得监管机构对这一交易的批准,将正式递交收购要约。
As currently the provincial authority has not received any formal approval documents, it will take at least one month for the new policy to come into force. 由于目前我省相关部门还没有收到正式的批准文件,享受财政补贴最快还需要等上一个月的时间。
An applicant must fully satisfy the immigration department that all statements made or information provided during the application are true and complete before a formal approval could be granted. 申请人必须令入境处信纳其在申请期间所作的一切声明和资料为真实和完备,才会获得正式批准。
Mitsubishi said its board would discuss formal approval at a meeting today. 三菱称,其董事会将在今日的会议上讨论正式批准问题。
He will also seek formal approval of MPs for the Libyan operation in the Commons on Monday. 与此同时,他将在下周一争取英国下议院议员在下议院正式同意政府对利比亚的军事行动。
Secondments of staff-any proposed secondments that are exceptions to this policy require the formal approval of the ACC before they are entered into. 员工借调&任何拟议中的、本政策未规定的借调在签署前需要审计及合规委员会的正式批准。
TD has also said that the project applications concerned have to be re-assessed before formal approval is given. 运输署亦表示需再作评估,才正式批准有关工程申请。
The council's recommendation was to go to the General Assembly for formal approval on Wednesday. 安理会的建议案定于周三送交联合国大会以获正式核准。
Chinese companies usually list within one month of receiving formal approval from the regulator. 中国公司通常在获得监管机构正式批准的一个月内上市。
The pool, to be based in Switzerland, is scheduled to start operating in June after formal approval by the executive board of UNITAID, the international drug purchase facility. 设在瑞士的这个专利池计划在得到国际药品采购机制(UNITAID)这个国际药物采购机构的理事会正式批准之后于6月开始运作。
Formal approval of the board of directors usually is required before bonds can be issued. 债券在发行前常常需要获得董事会的正式批准。
All involved blueprints become invalid and the Seller shall submit to the Buyer the modified formal blueprints for approval. 所涉及的图纸应作废,卖方应向买方提交修改后的正式图纸供批准。
Does the Supplier have a formal procedure for controlling design changes including review and approval responsibilities? 供应商是有一个阐明审核和批准责任的控制设计变更方面的正式程序?
April 1993, the regulations on stock issuance and trading management were promulgated, it marking the formal approval of the implementation of the authorizing system. 1993年4月《股票发行与交易管理暂行条例》颁布,标志着审批制的正式实行。
And any local, technical or formal IPO reform measures, such as the approval system, simple market-based inquiry, the stock distribution, and so are palliative approach. 而任何局部的、技术性或者形式上的IPO变革措施,诸如核准制、单纯市场化询价、股票配售方式等等都是治标不治本的方法。
The systems for the formal fairness are the disclosure of remuneration of directors, the remuneration committees, the independent directors, the approval of shareholders 'meeting. 保证形式公正性的制度设计为薪酬信息披露、薪酬委员会、独立董事、股东大会批准程序等等。